Books’ korero

5 min readJun 2, 2020


“Well you see, the premise of you indicates the limitation of people included in Nobel, but mine is corresponding to the subject.” said Malo(Famous as Lost in Math by Sabine Hossenfelder) to Cosmo (short name for Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science’s Highest Honor by Brian Keating). The korero happened in a closed chamber at a more-of-a-library-than-room room of the physicist Kaimen who just lost Nobel Prize to someone who stole his idea and proved the theory written by him. It’s often flabbergasting for acumen to anticipate such an activity. Kaimen had some books in his room which somewhere inspired him to get to this level. A geeky, dorky one always needs a support which is usually given by those pages which may or may not be a part of their citation process.

He got those books out to throw them away. After all, it’s always not so easy to just forgo your loss due to some treachery you weren’t a part of. “Please, don’t throw us away. Who knows we would be handed to be sold to some person who would just serve fritters in us. Just calm down, Kaimen and think once more before doing such a sin!”, cried Thoto (real name being Through Two Doors at Once: The Elegant Experiment That Captures the Enigma of Our Quantum Reality by Anil Ananthaswamy). “But you were the only one who unraveled the mysteries associated with double-slit experiments and made his life even tougher!”, argued Pluto (renowned as Chasing New Horizons: Inside the Epic First Mission to Pluto by Alan Stern and David Grinspoon). “Ugh Pluto, you don’t get to say. Especially, when you unfolded the last-minute problems. What do you think New Horizons were capable of? Discovering moons sooner? Ha-ha! You naive.” taunted Thoto.

Kaimen took those four in his hands, sniffled as the dust because of the other members at the korero cried (in the grief of being left-out?). “You four are my dearest friends. you actually helped me when my elder sister tried beating me with one of you and you just gasped on her covering her face in the dust which you had in the library when I got you home, Cosmo. Also, you guys”, pointing at the other three, “helped me a lot when I was 11 and I wanted to mock the high school cretinous people as they approached me for their entertainment which was legally called bullying.” Malo got nostalgic and said, “Well you know Kaimen, there’s always someone who will try to put you down. I mean, here, there was someone to protect you and you’d think now that we are useless and so you might just throw us out. But I was useless since the facts came out that there’s no Nobel for Mathematics. After all, the best of the physics comes out from the grinding of mathematical theories. Ah, those theories, when cannot prove string theory, breaks the heart of a true physicist. But they don’t understand that the truth of the physics lies in discovering those theories in the real world.”

“It hurts more to see that my friend can’t be a part of Nobel even when he did work.” discussed Cosmo, “it’s even worse than straying off the path to Nobel. There is politics to cater, intelligence to be confined in a safe space and what not. How would Kaimen, being just 21 know about all this. He has a life ahead of him and many more discoveries to be done by him only if he gets out from his rough patch and start doing constructive criticism on his life.” “I can still hear you guys even when I am sleeping…” sighed Kaimen. “Eck. What’s this! A lizard! Why would you keep us in this scary storeroom?!” frightened Thoto cried. “I am no special. I can be a lucid set of words for anyone. Just let me be the last one to be used as a wrapper for waste, per se. Anyone would love to spend time with me, even your neighbor Jenny. She is an amicable person, it seems. I could use her as company.” “Oh shut up, you schmuck! You were picked up from the trashy shelf. You can just imagine being in those polished wood shelf in an antique somewhere.” laughed Malo.

“Ooh, I have heard her fighting with Kaimen just last week. They fought over the choices of movie. Kaimen wanted to watch Space Station one which was released in 2364 year on this planet. While Jenny, knowing nothing but Klingon as being one of the descendants, was firm on watching traditional movie. Poor, Kaimen. He knew 70 languages and learned 71st language just for her sake.” gossiped Diary. “I was rewritten by him just yesterday. He was so angry that he just flunked me in here! Even my arm’s broken because of hi-” interrupted Pluto. “Enough of gossips.He should know that the committee just told him their views on why the people who implemented it got the Nobel and not him. I was there when the teleport was put on speaker. The implementation was not entirely based on his theory. There was even a research about the theory proposed by him and it was proved wrong by some amount. He was so upset by just listening to half of it, being utterly childish.”

“I heard you, Pluto. You are right. But it’s not so easy to just let go of the Nobel. This was the dream I was working for and everything just shattered in a moment or two. You guys were always inspiring me and giving me all the strength. All I wanted was to live with the accolades everyone wanted. This developed in me, the sense of negativity which just took me down more and more. I couldn’t find my own mistake in Mathematics. That was unbelievable. This made me question everything. What if the earlier 482 publications are wrong too and just not been opposed yet? This will just remove my basis of living.” Diary sobbing, “You are thinking way too much, Kaimen. Just go with the flow. Learn what you like. You have achieved more than you can even imagine. Very few has gone to top college at 16. You are just one of a kind.”

(Phone rings) “Hello?” “Yes, Ms. Kaimen, We are from Nobel Prize committee and we regret our decision of acknowledging the wrong proof held against your theory. When inspected, we found that a grave mistake was done by us. You’ve won and we would like to have you here for the same. The schedule along with the tickets are posted to you. Bye.” “Bye.”, Kaimen’s eyes were filled with tears as she couldn’t be happy enough when she saw herself in the headlines over the TV which showed “The third ever woman to get the Nobel on our (planet) Zen!”




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