It is always hectic. Had it been a zone where a day constituted of 48 hours or an hour constituted of 120 minutes, people might cry lesser. But is it really so? People want their life lucid or so many would try to but it’s not really that idle of a case that we fall into. Complexities often make schedules a mess and that directly affects our day. Take any instance of your bad day and you will confirm the statement above.
It is important for a human being to keep consistency in life. Everyone has an anchor point and one should find that if they haven’t encountered it yet. For most of the people, their anchor point is their culture i.e. routine life. When do we eat, sleep, work or have a bath; all the factors constitutes culture too. But we, “the millennials” consider it mundane. Thereby, messing up with the routine and getting sick more often That sickness is our body telling us to anchor back to our culture because that is making us, us. The question is: How do we do that? How do we keep a track of ourselves? For me, what I am about to say, worked.
KEEP A JOURNAL. It is an old way which I just stated. Document everything: your wake-up time, your emotions of the day, how your arch-enemy took another toll on you… whatever it may be. Make your journal, a part of your body.
Why should I document everything?
Because that will tell you what is necessary for you and what isn’t. You will think of an activity that happened in the day and when you start writing you might feel, ‘It’s not that important to write it down.’ This means it isn’t necessary to be kept in your mind either. Hence, documentation will ease up your storage in your mind.
Gradually, without you knowing, your mind will comprehend your emotions and instead of logic, your subconscious mind will tell you answers faster. If your approach is negative, you will know. If it is otherwise, you will know. You will feel closer to yourself. Once you get closer to yourself, you won’t seek attention from others. Sooner or later, you will be feeling complete within yourself.
Now, I am not implying or in any way stating that documentation will make you a loner. You can be the most famous person who is keeping a journal or you can be a loner keeping a journal. My point here is, you should be satisfied within your soul. You won’t need acknowledgement from others because you are keeping track of yourself. The goals are in front of you, written. The work you are putting in it is also there, in front of you. Connect the dots and you know what you are — perfect or on a route to be one.
What are your thoughts about keeping a journal?